I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness

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Depression in College Students

One of the most covered-up topics these days is mental health in college students. College students go through a lot that most people do not see. From the transition from being home to moving away to loads of work and stress, students often feel like they have 1,000 pounds on their shoulders. When it comes to older college students, like seniors, the stress of finding a job and starting their lives can be very overwhelming, therefore leading to an increase in depression.


Some signs to look for include but are DEFINITELY not limited to lack of sleep, poor appetite, lowered motivation to complete daily tasks, not enough exercise, and irritability.

Something that most college campuses are doing to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health is providing resources for people who may be in need. Support centers and on-campus counselors are being advertised throughout campuses across the country reminding students that they are not alone and that their feelings are valid. What is most important in these types of situations is to keep a friend or close group of people whom you feel comfortable talking to about things like mental health.

Seeking help is very important when it comes to experiencing these things. The most important thing to do is to seek help outside of campus if you are not comfortable using campus services. For example, you can use the phone number on the back of your insurance card or reach out to a therapist not affiliated with your campus. If you notice signs of depression in yourself or a friend, be mindful not to replace therapy with social media.