Therapy Intensives
What are Therapy Intensives?
Therapy intensives, compared to the traditional psychotherapy (45-60 minute) sessions can offer a concentrated and immersive therapeutic experience that can lead to trauma healing, rapid progress, profound insights and transformative change for both individuals and couples seeking drastic change and an intense intervention.
Key Features to Help You Determine if This is for You
Extended Duration
Therapy intensives are much longer than the traditional session. This means you will spend an extended amount of time 3.5 – 12 hours with your therapist addressing the targeted issues.
This time is dedicated specifically to accelerating your therapeutic process and fostering a deeper understanding of who you are and what you want out of life or in your relationships. Various and creative techniques and modalities are used during your therapy intensive hours to provide a holistic approach to the process.
Because of the number of hours you spend with your therapist, the environment allows you to fully immerse in reflection, introspection, skill building and emotional processing. The goals identified for your process bringing you closer to your life milestones and for many helps you make that hard decision.
Are Therapy Intensives Effective?
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is whether it is traditional therapy, life coaching, yoga, working with a nutritionist or your PCP, the reality is, everything in life is a process, a journey. Therapy intensives expedite meeting your mental, emotional and relationship goals by accelerating your focus. This does not mean your healing is over once your therapy intensive is over. We are all forever evolving, which also means, we are all forever healing. But…it does mean you have the opportunity to deepen the work you do towards it in a shorter amount of time.
Is this Approach Good For Me?
Therapy intensives are perfect for individuals and couples seeking to:
Resolve conflicts
Rekindle a connection
Recover from trauma or seeking trauma symptom reduction
Manage depression, anxiety, or a personality disorder
Better understand behavioral patterns and thoughts, but your schedule does not allow for traditional weekly sessions
Decide on the termination of a relationship or forgivemess
Pros of Therapy Intensives
How It Works:
The process begins with a 1:1 consultation with Natasha Ewa, to determine whether a Therapy Intensive is an appropriate fit, and whether this model can adequately address your concerns.
After the consultation, we will develop a personalized plan, including the recommended treatment option (e.g., 3hrs, 2 days, etc.).
Natasha will meet with you in blocks and anything over 3 hours will include a lunch/meal and breaks as needed.
Natasha will also work with you on a follow-up plan that may include work with your regular therapist, or any other providers you may see.
For Individuals:
3 hours (including breaks) - $450
4.5 hours (including breaks, lunch/meal) - $550
6 hours x 1 day (including breaks, lunch/meal) - $730
8 hours x 2 days | 4 hours/day (including breaks, lunch/meal each day) - $1, 100
*discounted $200
**discounted $219.96
***discounted $120
For Couples:
3 hours (including breaks) - $560
4.5 hours (including breaks, lunch/meal) - $600*
6 hours x 1 day (including breaks, lunch/meal) - $900**
8 hours x 2 days | 4 hours/day (including breaks, lunch/meal each day) - $1, 373.28**
Give Natasha a Call Today for Your Consultation (757) 568-9072)
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