Find your happiness
and learn to put it first.
Mission Statement
The mission of I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness is to improve the lives of human beings, by providing meaningful clinical interventions along with curating safe spaces that propel that human being into accessing the desire and skills to thrive both independently and within social humanity. At I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness, we believe this mission is accomplished through the delivery of a compassionate, ethical, emotionally, behaviorally and creative in- tune practice.
Vision Statement
The vision of I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness is to be recognized as a practice of choice for all clients, professionals and community members. We thrive to be seen as high quality, creative and responsive to the needs of the people that we serve.
At I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness, we believe that thriving is to flourish without borders, which looks, sounds and feels different from person to person. It is our belief that in order to flourish, all human beings need a team, a tribe, or person within their community that can offer integrity, quality, confidentiality, compassion and respect in addition to advocacy. I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness transcends cultural, denominational, socio-economical and disability distinctions. I-Thrive welcomes all to discover or re-discover the joys and path that helps them to thrive.

Have Questions?
Call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for 24/7 emotional support.
If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.